Advocacy for funding
April 2024
The the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent to undertake a cost benefit analysis including assessing the impacts of implementing a short school day once per month at elementary schools to support school based collaboration, and provide a recommendation(s) to the Board of Education by December 2024.
February 2023
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Chair to write a letter to the Ministry of Education and Childcare advocating for the funding to allow teachers time to plan, collaborate and learn together, as welll as provide the resources, to deliver the new Indigenous Grad requirements (courses) successfully.
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Board Chair to write to the Minister of Education and Child Care and Premier advocating for additional K-12 funding.
That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Board Chair to write a letter to the Ministry of Education and Child Care with a request for additional funding for staff to complete DEI training in line with the K-12 Anti Racism Action Plan.
May 2023
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Board Chair to write to the Minister of Education and Child Care and the Premier requesting that the provincial government commit to adequate ongoing funding for civilian alternatives to School Police Liaison Officers such as civilian coaches, youth and family counsellors, social workers, substance use educators, restorative justice initiatives, etc. - so that all school districts have adequate resources to deliver necessary services through the education system utilizing appropriately trained, certified and regulated professionals.
The the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent to prepare a plan for how an Elementary Strings HUB model will be equitably delivered including locations, time of day, and schools allocated to each HUB by June 2024; AND FURTHER provide a list of recommendations on how Grade 5 students, who won't have a Strings program at their own school, will safely travel to the HUB.
March 2023
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent for the 2023-24 school year to work with families to ensure every effort is made to place the 192 waitlisted students in schools that meet their needs and follows the rules set out in the District student enrollment priorities.
April 2024
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent to prepare a draft elementary string and middle school music equity ad hoc committee terms of reference and present it to the Education Policy and Directions Standing Committee Meeting in June 2024.
September 2023
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) approve new Policy 5150 Sanctuary Schools.
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) amend Draft New Policy XXXX International Student Enrollment, 3.0 Policy, 3.7 The Board of Education directs that prior to considering International School enrollment schools must make every reasonable effort to confirm that there is adequate space, education programs, and instrucitonal support available for school age children resident in the school district.
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) reduce the International Student Program (ISP) labour settlement funding by the remaining 2/3 balance in the amount of $345,353 (for a total reduction of $518,030) to be reallocated to fund five FTE Elementary and Middle School custodians with 5am starts for an additional $137,767 (for a total addition of $346,129), and a total of $226,450 to be allocated to fund middle school music, and middle school music would remain with a reduction of $18,864 with the shortfall of $18,864 to be taken from the Contingency.
January 2023
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent to hire and dispatch up to ten (10) additional CUPE 382 custodial employees for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year, and allocate budget to the custodial relief account to a maximum of $209,068 subject to the availability of budget in the 2022-23 amended annual budget process, AND FURHTER to commence conversations with CUPE 382 regarding custodial service levels for the 2023-24 school year, and any potential efficiencies, AND FURTHER to recommend custodial service levels for the 2023-24 school year, including budget implications, for consideration in the 2023-24 annual budget process.
April 2024
That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater Victoria) direct the Superintendent to establish a Climate Action Plan Implementation Ad Hoc Committee that will review the implementation of the District's Climate Action Plan and report its findings and recommendations at the Regular Board of Education Meeting in October each year; AND FURTHER That a budget of $5,000 be established to support the Ad Hoc Committee's work.f AND FURTHER Bring a draft Terms of Reference to the Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting June 10, 2024.