The Pro D Committee will give first priority for funding to applicants who did not receive funding in the previous school year.
Funding is limited and is not guaranteed. Please get your application in as soon as possible.

The Pro-D Fund
All members of the GVTA (contract teachers and TTOCs alike) are entitled to access funds from the Joint GVTA/GVSD Pro-D Fund.
How do I apply?
How much funding is available?
What may I use it for?
Before applying, please read the Applying for Professional Development FAQ, as many of your questions will be answered there.
Deadline for conference/workshop applications is June 9th, 2023. Funding for this school year will end and funding for events/courses that begin on or after July 1st 2023 will resume for the 2023/2024 school year.
Application Forms
First download the application to your desktop so that you can fill the application online.
Once filled, please email your completed application form to, or fax to 250-595-0189 (if faxing, please call the GVTA to confirm that we have received your fax).
Links to Forms
Professional Book Club (all participants submit an application)
Teacher as Researcher (members can apply once every five years)
*** Please note that mileage, meals and accommodation are not provided for local events within the Greater Victoria Area.
Local Specialist Associations
Financial Assistance is also available for Professional Development activities organized by Local Specialist Associations (LSAs) and at school sites.
Please contact the GVTA Pro D Committee Chair for more information.
To apply for LSA or School Grant funding, please use the appropriate application noted under Application Forms above.
Pro-D in July and August
All applications for professional development in July and August must be received in the GVTA office prior to the third Friday in June.
Important: any applications you submit for July and August are considered Pro-D for the new school year.