
Leaves of Absence

Your rights to access leave time are found in the Collective Agreement Section G - Leaves of Absence.

Applying for Leaves

To apply for leaves, go to sd61.bc.ca, click on Staff link in the top right hand corner of the home page. Once in staffing portal, click on Leave Intentions. Follow the prompts to complete the online form.  SD61 Online Leave Form


Maternity and Parental Leaves 

The Employment Standards clause is superior because: a) it allows you to choose your end date within a one year time frame, and b) it is a short-term leave and you must be reassigned to your same position whenever possible.

Medical Leaves

Statutory leaves agreement

The GVTA and the District have signed an agreement in relation to teachers applying for temporary positions who will be or are already on a statutory leave (such as pregnancy or parental leave). Applying for Temporary Positions While on Maternity Leave