Professional Supports
The BCTF supports teachers through Internal Mediation Services and Peer Support Services. The GVTA supports teachers within their first five years of teaching and those who are teaching a new grade or subject area through the mentorship program.
BCTF Internal Mediation Services
The Internal Mediation Service (IMS) is a team of volunteer BCTF members, who are trained and experienced as mediators. They work with members and others to help resolve workplace conflicts that threaten positive relationships. IMS will mediate conflicts between individual members, members and support staff, and members and administrators. They will also work with small groups within schools, local executives, departments, LSAs, or PSAs, as appropriate. Mediation is a carefully designed process that brings people together in conversations, with mediators present, to help them reach a resolution to a dispute. It is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution. Please feel free to contact the GVTA office for more information if you are considering accessing Internal Mediation services.
BCTF Peer Support Services
The Peer Support Program is designed to provide support to teachers who are on plans of assistance (i.e., have received a less-than-satisfactory evaluation), prior to a teacher evaluation where concerns about teaching competence have been raised, or to teachers who request assistance with their teaching (i.e. are self-referring). The peer support will be provided by teachers, known as BCTF peer support consultants, who have an extensive background in teaching, and training in planning, consultation, classroom observation, analysis, and feedback skills. Peer consultants will offer support in a collaborative and non-judgemental environment. The consultants support the growth of a teacher's professional practice, through a non-evaluative, peer coaching model. Please feel free to contact the GVTA office for more information if you are considering accessing Peer Support services.
GVTA Teacher Mentorship Program
The GVTA Teacher Mentorship Program strives to pair or group early year teachers or those teachers new to a subject or grade level with seasoned mentors to collaborate, share, support and nurture continued growth as educators. This program is reciprocal and non-evaluative.
Information about the GVTA Mentorship program including how to apply.
Recordings and information from past mentorship sessions.