committees and appointments
The responsibilities of GVTA committees and members can be found on the GVTA Members' Guide.
The role of joint GVTA/School District committees can be found in the Collective Agreement.
GVTA Committees
Executive Committee
President Carolyn Howe
First Vice-President Chris Clarke
Second Vice-President/ Cindy Romphf
Health & Safety Officer
Secretary Treasurer Matthew Martin
Contract Committee Chair Lena Palermo
Pro D Committee Chair Ilana Hampton
Social Justice Committee Chair Matt Christie
TTOC/New Cttee Teacher Chair Kaitlyn Schafer
Indigenous Ed Committee Chair Kolette Cristante
Climate Justice Committee Chair Tara Ehrcke
Local Reps to the BCTF Chris McQuaid
Ryan Broe
Kelsi Lesowski
Members at Large Gracen Dickey
Chiana van Katwijk
Karissa Crawley
Ai Linh Trinh
Ange Coutts
Auston Neveu
Contract Committee
The Contract Committee consists of the Contract Chair, the 1st VP, the 2nd VP, & up to 10 members elected by the General Membership.
Lena Palermo (Chair) Chris Clarke Cindy Romphf
Matthew Martin Ilana Hampton Kaitlyn Schafer
Kelcie Voulk Desiree Bukowski Kelsi Lesowski
Erika Sager Ezekiel Gow VACANT
Professional DEvelopment Committee
The Pro D Committee consists of the Pro-D Chair, the Secretary Treasurer, and up to 8 members elected by the General Membership.
Ilana Hampton (Chair) Chris Clarke Leah Donlevy
Darinka Popovic Ezekiel Gow Katelyn Kennedy
Viva Moodley Kristina Preston Marlena Legault-Monton
Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice Committee consists of the Social Justice Chair, the 1st VP, and up to 10 members elected by the General Membership.
Matt Christie (Chair) Chris Clarke Nellie Lamb
Ryan Broe Viva Moodley William R. Nicholls
Ai Linh Trinh Leah Donlevy Lynn Elliott
Karissa Crawley Chiana van Katwijk Ange Coutts
TTOC and New Teacher Committee
The TTOC and New Teacher Committee consists of the TTOC and New Teachers' Chair, the 1st VP, and up to 10 members elected by the General Membership.
Kaitlyn Schafer (Chair) Chris Clarke Ezekiel Gow
Chris McQuaid Darinka Popovic Alysha Zawaduk
Jessica Koski Katrina Cargnelli Lancy Fynn
Kasidy Lafleur-Johnson Liliana Ballarin-Cass Auston Neveu
Indigenous Education Committee
The Indigenous Education Committee consists of the Indigenous Education Chair, the 1st VP, and up to 10 members elected by the General Membership.
Kolette Cristante (Chair) Chris Clarke Penny-Jane Peters
Kane Mercer Mo Kheari Chelsea Mason
Tanya Adams Gracen Dickey Leah Donlevy
Climate Justice Committee
The Climate Justice Committee consists of the Climate Justice Chair, the First VP, and up to 10 members elected by the General Membership.
Tara Ehrcke (Chair) Chris Clarke Chris McQuaid
Leah Donlevy Sean Goode Nellie Lamb
Susan Smith Gillian Petrini Auston Neveu
Jennifer Loukras VACANT VACANT
Health & Safety Committee
The Health & Safety Committee consists of the 2nd VP (Chair), the Contract Chair, 2 members appointed by the GVTA to the District Occupational Health & Safety (DOHS), and two members elected by the General Membership.
Cindy Romphf (Chair) Lena Palermo Matthew Martin
Bargaining Team
Chris Clarke Matthew Martin Kaitlyn Schafer
Lena Palermo Carolyn Howe VACANT
Retirement Committee
The Retirement Committee is a GVTA committee consisting of 5 members appointed by the Executive Committee.
Viva Moodley Darinka Popovic Desiree Bukowski
Benevolent Fund Committee
The Benevolent Fund Committee is a GVTA committee consisting of the President, and two members appointed by the Executive Committee.
Carolyn Howe Jane Koleba VACANT
Appeal Committee
The Appeal Committee is a GVTA committee consisting of 5 members elected by the General Membership.
Darren Companion Mark Morrison Alex Greig
Helena Ewald Laureen Brain
JOINT Committees
Professional Relations Committee (PRC)
PRC is a joint District/GVTA committee, on which the GVTA is represented by the President, the 1st VP, the Contract Chair, and 2 staff reps appointed by the Executive Committee.
Carolyn Howe Chris Clarke Lena Palermo
Kelsi Lesowski Ross Gilbert
Joint Committee on Curriculum Implemetation (JCCI)
JCCI is a joint District/GVTA committee, on which the GVTA is represented by the Pro D Chair, the 1st VP, and 1 rep appointed by the Executive Committee.
Ilana Hampton Lena Palermo Chiana Van Katwijk
District Occupational Health & Safety Committee (DOHS)
DOHS is a joint District/Worker committee, on which the GVTA is represented by the 2nd VP (Chair), and 2 members appointed by the Executive and the Contract Committee.
Cindy Romphf Ilana Hampton VACANT
French Advisory Committee
The French Advisory Committee is a District committee on which the GVTA is represented by two members appointed by the Executive Committee.
Hélène Poulin Alison Calestagne-Morelli
George Jay Naming Committee
The George Jay Naming Committee is an ad hoc District committee on which the GVTA is represented by one member from George Jay Elementary School.
Matt Scott
Equity Ad hoc committee
Ai Linh Trinh Matt Christie Chiana Van Katwijk
music equity ad hoc committee
Alex Greig Cindy Romphf Lena Palermo
climate action plan
Tara Ehrcke Nellie Lamb
Carol Walton Pete McKay Meaghan McMaster
Tresa Marshall Katrina McGee Jeanette Alexander
Board of Education
At SD61 Board of Education meetings, the GVTA is represented by the following members:
Board Meetings Carolyn Howe
Ed Policy Meetings Ilana Hampton
Operations, Policy & Planning Cindy Romphf