Climate Justice
The GVTA recognizes that the world faces an imminent climate crisis. To protect our environment, we need to address the massive overuse of fossil fuels in a just and equitable way. The Association recently created the Climate Justice Committee. To contact the Chair, please email
Climate Action Resources : Incorporate Climate Action in the Classroom!
A climate map to see how Climate Change has progressed over time and how it will affect our local municipalities, cities, and Indigenous communities.
Offers resources and grants such as the GO Grant, Wild Schools program, and Whole School Grant to support environmental education in schools.
Provides environmental education programs and resources focused on climate justice and sustainability for schools in British Columbia. It also offers printable resources, lesson plans, and great professional development!
The CRD partners with the BC Sustainable Energy Association to deliver climate education to elementary students in the region. The Cool It! Climate Leadership Training programs teach students about climate change and identify how they can become a part of the solution.
Offers workshops, resources, and outreach programs on composting, soil health, and sustainable gardening to promote organic waste management and environmental stewardship.
The networking, sharing and resource sharing hub of the new Salish Sea EEPSA Chapter. EEPSA includes teachers from the GVTA and also SD 62, 63 & 64.
3Rs Programs and Hartland Learning Centre Workshops: FREE workshops & field trips on waste reduction, recycling, and sustainability. Take behind-the-scenes tours of Hartland Landfill to learn about local waste management systems!
CRD Environmental Programs: Provides education on water conservation, watershed protection, and climate adaptation.
A great resource for elementary teachers with book recommendations and a teachers’ toolkit.
Funds outdoor learning experiences like nature walks and field trips.
Wild Schools Program (HCTF Education) -
Supports multi-year nature-based education initiatives.
Provides up to $3000 to reduce waste through education, behaviour change, or hands-on projects such as building composting facilities, reuse store, washing machines (replace single-use items with reusables), etc. Rethink Waste Community Grant | CRD
Supports community climate and environmental projects, including school-based initiatives.
Provides funding for education and projects addressing environmental justice and resilience.
Reading List: Explore Book Recommendations to Deepen Understanding of the Climate Crisis, Inspire Action for Change, and Engage Children and Youth in Solutions
GVTA Funding Available for Your Book Club!
“Climate change is real. It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.”
Leonardo Di Caprio, Actor & Environmentalist
“It’s important for me to have hope because that’s my job as a parent, to have hope, for my kids, that we’re not going to leave them in a world that’s in shambles, that’s a chaotic place, that’s a dangerous place.”
James Cameron, Film Director